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Various products that combine the advantages of medications and nutrition fall under the wide area of nutraceuticals. They are ingested as functional foods or dietary supplements because of their potential health advantages and are sourced from natural sources like plants, animals, and microbes. Although they are not subject to the same regulations as pharmaceutical medications, nutraceuticals are frequently marketed as having medical or therapeutic characteristics.

This blog covers some key details about nutraceuticals:

By combining the words "nutrition" and "pharmaceutical," Stephen De Felice, the founder and chairman of the Foundation for Innovation in Medicine (FIM), Cranford, New Jersey, created the phrase "nutraceutical" in 1989. A food (or component of food) that offers medical or health benefits, such as the prevention and/or treatment of a disease, is referred to as a nutraceutical, in De Felice's definition who is titled as The Father of Neutraceuticals.

The majority of therapeutic areas are covered by nutraceuticals, including anti-arthritic, cold and cough, sleeping issues, digestion, and the prevention of certain malignancies, osteoporosis, blood pressure, cholesterol control, pain relievers, depression, and diabetes.

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Classifying nutraceuticals:

In order to ease understanding and use, nutraceuticals can be arranged in a variety of ways, such as for dietary recommendations, clinical trial design, or academic training. Nutraceuticals can be categorized in a variety of ways, such as according to their dietary origins, mode of action, chemical makeup, etc. Dietary fibre, probiotics, prebiotics, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidant vitamins, polyphenols, and spices are examples of dietary sources utilized as nutraceuticals.

In a broader sense, there are two categories of nutraceuticals:

  • Potential nutraceuticals

  • Established nutraceuticals

Only after reliable scientific evidence of a supplement's positive effects on health and medicine is gathered can it become a potential nutraceutical.

Mode of Action of Nutraceuticals:

Nutraceuticals may exert their positive effects through a number of different methods. For instance, some substances may function as antioxidants, scavenging dangerous free radicals and shielding cells from oxidative injury. Others may alter certain bodily biochemical or physiological processes, such as lowering inflammation, promoting intestinal health, or improving nutrition absorption.

Health benefits of Nutraceuticals:

The advantages of nutraceuticals are innumerable, including improving cardiovascular health, supporting immune function, enhancing cognitive function, boosting energy levels, and lowering the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and age-related macular degeneration. New applications for nutritional supplements are being researched every day. Nutraceuticals can treat a wide range of ailments, from physical to mental health. Although not all nutraceuticals have undergone extensive research or been shown to be effective, there might be a wide range of scientific evidence for these advantages.

Some major benefits are as follows:

1. Boost general health

Our whole health is improved by nutraceuticals. A balanced diet is beneficial to our health. It enhances our bodies' nutritional worth and promotes better mental and physical wellness.

2. Improved energy

Like all vitamins, particularly those in the Vitamin B group, there are many kinds of nutraceuticals that can genuinely assist us to increase our energy levels. The vitamin D group also encourages you to keep active. B-12 is predominantly present in milk and meat, which are not a part of vegans' and vegetarians' diets, thus they must make an effort to improve their consumption.

3. Inflammation Treatment

Because of the number of phytochemicals, nutraceuticals are shown promising results in the prevention and treatment of inflammation. In chronic inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and autoimmune disorders, they can reduce oxidative stress.

4. Improve Your Eye Health

Certain nutraceuticals can help patients with eye illnesses and conditions including age-related glaucoma, macular degeneration, and visual abnormalities.7

The risk of cataracts is decreased by dietary supplements such as zeaxanthin, vitamin C, lutein, and vitamin E. Omega-3 fatty acids, in particular, are essential for the formation and operation of the retina.

5. Prevent chronic illnesses

In order to delay the emergence of chronic diseases and lessen their effects, nutraceuticals are essential. There is evidence to support their use in the treatment and prevention of inflammatory illnesses, cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

6. Support and control biological functions

Additionally, the biological functions of the organism and the state of the immune system can be significantly influenced by nutraceuticals. These consist of:

  • Safeguarding mitochondrial integrity

  • Antioxidant protection

  • Expression of genes

  • Proliferation of cells

By engaging in these biological processes, nutraceuticals can promote health and fight sickness in our bodies.

7. Boost life expectancy

The use of nutritional supplements as preventative medicine has greatly boosted life expectancy. It is easier to treat and recover more quickly from diseases when they are discovered early on or before they have a significant impact on the patient. Additionally, therapy might not even be necessary.

Additionally, nutraceuticals have been shown to slow down the ageing process, which can lengthen your life expectancy.

Aside from these advantages for health, recent research has shown some encouraging results for the efficacy of herbal nutraceuticals against oxidative stress disorders, such as Alzheimer's, cardiovascular issues, allergies, diabetes, inflammatory diseases, cancer, Parkinson's disease, and obesity.

Safety considerations:

Nutraceuticals are typically regarded as safe when used as prescribed, but it's important to remember that there are still some potential hazards involved. Some nutraceuticals may interact with certain drugs, trigger allergic responses, or have negative side effects when used in large dosages. Before beginning any new dietary supplement, it is crucial to identify renowned brands and speak with a healthcare provider because the quality and purity of nutraceutical products can also vary.

Country-specific regulations apply to nutraceuticals. They are regulated less strictly than pharmaceutical medications since they are regarded as dietary supplements in many countries, including the US. This means that while producers are in charge of guaranteeing the quality and safety of their goods, pharmaceuticals are subject to more stringent testing and approval procedures. Nevertheless, some nations have certain rules in place for certain kinds of nutraceuticals or demand that certain health claims be supported.

To know about the regulations in India, please click on the link below to get detailed information.


The area of nutraceuticals is always changing as new substances and formulations are explored and their potential advantages are being looked at. The effectiveness, safety, and mechanisms of action of nutraceuticals are assessed through scientific research, which is also used to pinpoint any drug interactions and determine the most effective dosages. Another area of active research is the creation of individualized nutraceuticals catered to a person's unique needs and genetic composition.

Nutraceuticals can complement a healthy lifestyle and offer certain benefits, but they shouldn't be mistaken for a balanced diet, consistent exercise, or the right medical attention. To be sure that nutraceuticals are appropriate for your specific needs and to discuss any potential interactions with medications or pre-existing health issues, it is always a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider or a certified dietitian before incorporating them into your routine.

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